New Patients

Dentists Preston

New Patients at Linton Aesthetics

We welcome new patients into our practice and we are committed to making your care a pleasant and unique experience.

When you contact our office to schedule your initial appointment, your questions, requests and concerns regarding your care will be heard, understood and accommodated. We offer complimentary parking to all of our patients.

What to expect at your first appointment

Your initial appointment will include:

  • Time for you to communicate the purpose of your visit, your desired dental treatment outcomes, and the opportunity to ask any questions you have regarding care
  • A thorough review of your dental and medical history
  • A comprehensive dental examination (additional diagnostic records such as diagnostic models,photographs and digital radiographs, may be necessary depending on the nature of your case)
  • A discussion regarding our doctors’ initial findings and treatment recommendations.

After Your Initial Examination, You Will be Scheduled for a Complimentary Consultation

At this appointment, our doctors will share with you your treatment options as well as their recommendations, the ideal sequencing of your appointments, and costs associated with your care. Questions to payment scheduling will also be answered during the consultation

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Opening Hours

Tuesday - Late Night Opening
Wednesday - Late Night Opening
Weekends - By Appointment Only